Sunday, May 13, 2012

Going going the year - 2012

Well we are not far from half way through 2012.
And already further change is upon us.
The next months promise ever more changes.
Many do not like change.
Too bad.
Learn to deal with it.
Change is our lot.
Change and ever more change.
The years 1960 - 1990 lulled us into believing that nature was relatively benign.
That they were the norm.
What is coming at us now is the norm.
For the rest of our lives and way beyond violent change in nature is likely.
No not global warming, rather climate change, change which is what this planet has been doing for millions and millions of years.
Not that our behaviour has helped improve things much.
As if this is not bad enough our leaders are busy lying about reality.
Their reality being based on endless, mindless growth.
As if what this planet needs is more 'stuff'.
So endless growth is still the current favourite idea in economics, politics, business you name it.
Endless growth and endless consumption are the mindless thoughts of these people.
Sorry this was a silly idea in the first place and it has not got any more intelligent over time.
Any idea that promotes greed and selfish behaviour as the way to go cannot be too smart.
Not to mention the destruction and abuse of our planet that marches hand in hand with such a mindless monetization of everything.
Indeed we are now reaping the results of this model.
Fortunately more of us are becoming conscious of the poverty of current official thinking.
Moving beyond greed as your basic planning model requires a change in our thinking.
We have begun this with our changing views of nature as something we are a part of and not something to be fought and subdued.
The very idea of conquering nature was another not very intelligent idea whose time is passing
And to think we are all living in these times.
Chose to be here at this time.
So your choices are to spectate or make your contribution.
Making your contribution however small it might seem to you is the smarter way to go.
Because spectating is not a real option, life will not allow you to do so.
None of us came here to spectate, we might be able to do so for a time.
Then nature comes along and says no this is not why you are here.
Have you noticed that there is no part of the planet that has not experienced 'unusual' weather over the last five years or so?
Weather that impacts all those it touches.
If you accept this then look to your life.
Let go gross consumption.
Lead a life of modest material needs.
Live simply.
Keep growing as a person.
Look to where you can make a contribution.
Adopting such an approach better prepares you for the disasters to come.
And come they must.
Opening our hearts to love and helping others strengthens us.
It is the only rationale response to idiot policies and an increasingly angry planet.

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