Monday, July 16, 2012

Other thoughts about self

Take the vital principle of life.
When we take the self apart to find its essence.
We discover that it is not there.
This has certainly been the case in neuroscience.
Which has found that properties such as consciousness and memory are not localized anywhere in the brain.
Buddhism arrived at an identical finding millennia before.
That the self has no objective, discrete reality.
The self emerges from relationships spanning the entire cosmos.
There are no separate individuals.
All are interconnected.
Inter defined.
The vision of life.
The organism, and therefore the self as an arbitrarily-bounded open subsystem itself composed of numerous interdependent sub-subsystems, and is therefore without a discrete objective reality.
This conflicts with many of the founding assumptions of modern philosophy, medicine, economics, religion, law, and psychology.
The new conception of self will give birth to momentous changes in all these areas.
The Cartesian self is fundamental to the dualism that informs so much of modern thought 
I think, therefore I am.
Descartes believed in an irreducible kernel of selfhood or am-ness that is the true "I", discrete and separate.
That conception of self is wholly consistent with the intuitions of the Age of Separation.
Now we are discovering that at the very basis of life, no such self exists.
And we shall observe that fact again and again.
Level after level.
Through the cell.
The organism.
The ecosystem.
To the whole planet.
The progressive alienation of ourselves from the community of life.
Our progressive distancing from nature.
Is based ultimately on an illusion.
The Scientific Revolution gave voice to this illusion.
And yet today many areas of science are undermining its very foundations.
Foundations they helped to create.
As with everything in nature there is a beginning, middle and end.
Now we are in the end phases of reductionism

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