Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Tactile moves

Are more important than many realize.
As with so many changes taking place today touching is undergoing change.
In many countries today touching someone is dangerous.
Dangerous because it can lead to a law suit.
Because it is no longer culturally acceptable to touch someone.
Because in these politically correct times touching can provoke ideas of harassment or worse.
Some cultures are more worried about touching than others.
Differences there are for sure between a country like Sweden and one say like Italy.
These differences are well known and each culture defines it's own limits on how much people touch each other.
And so why might this be important?
Humans are social creatures and touching each other is as old as humanity itself.
Take away or redefine something as old as touching and you change much more than the act itself.

You change society.
Touching can be good or bad, promiscuous or helping, hard or gentle.
Where it is going we cannot say today.
One thought though.
If you did not get touched as a child chances are you do not touch others much now that you are an adult.
If you were touched and cuddled as a child chances are you do the same now to those you feel for.
Much more important than political correctness.
We are talking about something that defines who we are to ourselves and to others..
Touching is instinctive
Touching can be learnt.
It helps our psychological balance.
Hope we do not allow political correctness to drive away something so important to life and our experience of it.

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