Tuesday, August 28, 2007

End of summer

In the Northern hemisphere you can feel it coming

Just the faintest of whispers

Just a feeling, the leaves are dryer

The days getting shorter

The mornings sharper

Children about to go back to school

Business getting down to work again after the summer holidays

No idea what the winter will be like

No idea how cold or wet

Do know one thing having the right clothes feels better than not

Being happy at the idea of colder weather is better than regretting the passing of hot days

What we feel changes how we experience things
Our thoughts lead the way
Change how you think about the coming winter and it will change how you experience it

Check your feelings about it now

Be pleased at the opportunity to do other things

Decide to use this winter unlike any other

Be appreciative of life

Use your time in new ways

End of summer approaches
Enjoy each minute and welcome the changes

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