Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Job's worth

How often do you have to deal with muppets?

People who will not make any decision

Who hide in smiles

In feigned enthusiasm and interest

Pretending to care about the job at hand

Who pass any problem quickly on to others

Who in reality have no intention of doing anything that might expose themselves to risk

To responsibility

To exposure

To criticism

Welcome to the real world of business




Obsequious behaviour

How sad so many have to deal all day long with colleagues of this type

Only way is to smile and be persistent particularly when you have to make things happen

When performance and results are your responsibility

Ever wonder why so many people in business drink?

Sorry people muppets

Known as job's worth meaning "I would love to hep you but it is more than my job's worth" hence the expression job's worth or the more modern version muppet

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