Monday, December 10, 2007

Impotence of the mind

Is not something we think about too much

Time though to understand how it damages you

If you feel disgust at the behaviour of grotesque greedy leaders, businessmen and others

Then over time this creates a feeling of powerlessness

A powerlessness which in turn creates depression

A depression that we are nothing

That we can do nothing

That our lives are worth nothing

Nothing we do makes any difference

That we are obliged to watch and hear about endless scandal and wrong behaviour for the rest of our lives

This might be true if you choose to let it be this way

However this ignores nature, which even the most negative of us would acknowledge has power over man and not the other way around as some try to suggest

Just one flood, earthquake, pandemic or hurricane and it is clear who is boss

Nature does not just act globally, nature also acts upon us individually through the operations of karma

Every second of every day we create and experience the actions of karma

Karma is the basic rule of the universe and all are governed by karma

So if you want to feel impotent at the vile actions of leaders, fine it's your choice
However understand they will pay.

Maybe it does not appear so

Probably we will never see it

But pay they will

So do not waste your time worrying or feeling impotent

Get on with your own life lead it in a moral and ethical way

Grow, learn, and move on understanding that your future lives are a function of how you behave now

The choices you make determine how you experience karma

So if you choose to live a productive, generous and healthy life
If you do this then something remarkable occurs

You can begin to experience for yourself the positive power of nature or karma

Sure we will know more pain in our lives because this is how we learn

How we pay off our negative karma

We will also begin to experience the positive effects of karma

These are what initially we think to be nice coincidences
And when they keep occurring we begin to realize that they are not just coincidences something more must be at work

They are the actions of positive karma

Karma rewarding us if you will

Slowly we begin to realise that whatever our role in life it does not matter

It does not matter being rich or poor, clever or not

What matters is being the best we can every day

Whatever our job sweeping leaves, boring office work it does not matter

What matters is that we understand that we are here to do the best we can in whatever comes our way

So no life is small only our understanding is small

Nature gives us all that we need in order to grow in any given second of our lives

Yes what we need to grow in any given second of our lives

Not what you might want but what you need

So back to impotence

Impotence is just a sign of us not understanding what it is all about

Stop wasting your energy on nothing

Focus on being the best you can

Be generous with your love and life

Live life to the max every day in every way

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