Friday, January 18, 2008

Mind and more mind

When you rule your mind you rule your world

We all know our minds or so we like to think

The obvious bits like desire

Positive and negative thinking and imagination and belief most of us understand

But others like our where our thoughts come from often not so

Our negative thoughts for example set negative karma in motion

Karma that absolutely will cause us to experience the mirror of that negative thought

The same with positive thoughts, karma will absolutely reward us with the mirror of that thought or deed

What we think is what we become

What we become is our choice, we become our thoughts in fact

Your choice

No more blaming others

It is you who chooses how you think and perceive life and it's events

The mind is everything what you think you become - Buddha.


Anonymous said...

your mind is just very cool. as simple as that :) !

Antony said...

That's a nice comment or should that be cool?