Thursday, January 17, 2008


For everything

Was a time not so long ago when water was free

Parking was free

Driving was

Nothing today is free

CCTV everywhere

Chips of the electronic kind in more and more devices

Offering ever greater controls and new ways to make us pay

Everything costs money

Money is King

Or so it seems until you look at what it brings to those who have plenty of it

Lo and behold they are dealing with exactly the same life problems!

Observe the truth of this statement

Then observe the price they pay

Paranoia and fear of theft

A life of stress and a life of controlling

Cynicism that all their fellow humans can be bought

Money is our King today maybe always has been

However there are those for whom it is not

They do not shout, just moving quietly through their lives

Often unnoticed, unobserved, unobtrusive

For them love of life is King and many have found true freedom

They have found peace of mind

It is not in money although they too need some of that

It is in the love of life expressed through service, increasing altruism.

The acceptance and enjoyment of reality as it is

Following in the footsteps of those who have gone before

Not the majority that's for sure

Just those for whom truth and understanding is their goal

Consciousness evolution if you will

Contributing where they can in whatever comes their way each day

Becoming a conscious part of the all

And money?

The goal for fools

The great illusion

A mere tool to move beyond.

And where is your path leading you?

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