Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Modern free will

Is an interesting idea

Do we have free will?

Or is everything ordained?

For many thousands of years clever and maybe not so clever men have argued about this

Some still do

Modern man does not often think about it

Perhaps he should because it makes a difference to his life

If everything is ordained then he might as well go out and act as his desires dictate

Because the outcome is already determined

Many choose to do so

Others of a more thoughtful persuasion wonder if we do have free will and if so is there a reason?

Answer for sure there is a reason

Everything has cause and effect

It is how we learn by exercising our free will

Slowly we learn that we are responsible for our choices

Free will is about choices

Life is about choices

Our choices

The choices we make determine what happens to us

Further the thoughts we have also determine what we experience

Examine your own life do you believe everything that happens to you is an accident?

Or is it cause and effect?

Maybe not immediately but sometime later you realise that what happens to you is payment or reward for your previous choices

So we come to karma

Because karma is the mechanism by which nature adjusts the results of our thoughts and actions

And in this lies the result of free will

Our choice to set in motion events which will result in bad or good karma

Free will is our experience although it might not seem this way if our karma demands we pay or be brought up short to reflect upon our thoughts and actions

What is free will for you?

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