Friday, August 29, 2008


How thoughts keep popping in and out of our heads
All day long, every day all the time
Ever wondered if this is normal or reasonable?
Probably not because we just take it for granted that thoughts are coming to us all the time
If you ran your car all the time you would not be too surprised if it broke down
Why then do we find it so difficult to accept our own breakdowns?

We run ourselves all the time and often without much due care or attention
Most humans experience what we call illness, colds flu and the like
We accept disease as being the way it is sometimes
Physical illness is pretty usual from time to time in most humans
Mental breakdown on the other hand now that's not so easy to accept
Mental problems are a sort of no no
Even though our minds are working all the time we are conscious
Just like our bodies
In fact you could argue that our minds work more than our bodies
But if you do have a mental problem then better hide it
Easier to talk about psychological problems that has a somewhat more sympathetic flavour
More acceptable somehow
Turning to the idea of thought or mind overload
If you can learn to stop your mind then your system is more relaxed
Less strain
Less wear and tear
When we sleep our physical systems are more relaxed and this is when they mend best
Our minds also mend best when at rest
If we can turn off our thoughts we are more at rest, more at peace
Stopping our thoughts even for a short period of time is helpful
Turning off thoughts as it transpires is not an easy thing to do
Gautama Buddha once said that stopping our minds is the hardest thing that man can do
We do not need to doubt this as most cannot stop their minds from thinking for even thirty seconds
What to do?
Firstly recognise that turning off your mind and thoughts is a neat thing to do
Secondly decide to do it, discipline your mind that is
Thirdly start the process of doing so
You have probably guessed it mediation
In truth there is no easy way
Meditaton though is not easy and anyone who says it is does not tell the truth
If you want to try then go to our blog for October 29 - 2005 called "Chattering minds" if you want a simple practical meditation

Good luck and if you want success then stay with it

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