Sunday, August 03, 2008

Tell me

About your first memory from school

Who was your best friend?

Did you fight at school?

Were you a bully?

Were you bullied?

Were you a gossip?
Bitchy maybe

Did you like your teachers?

Did you have many friends?
Did you work hard?
What were your favourite subjects?
Now think what did you really get from school?
What is useful to you in your life today that you learned at school?
Funny it is not what you thought because we seldom go back and look at what really shaped us
Odd things
Little things
And now that you have looked at that look at your life today
What is really shaping your life now?
Is it as you want it to be?
What is influencing your life today?
Did things from school shape things in your life now?
Are they still relevant?
Should they be?
Or have you never thought about this?
That things from school without challenge are still central to your life.
Many people do not change
Many cannot change
Some do because they look and grow as they understand how various habits and ideas have become counter productive
Check you have no old habits that are harming you
School can leave many scars

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