Tuesday, September 02, 2008

When the only value

Is money
When everything is valued by how much it costs
When people believe that everything can be bought
When the media slavishly cover everything the rich do
When even the worst arms dealer is feted because he is rich
When vulgarity is admired
Welcome to our world
A little green man from Mars might wonder how we can ignore and deny the myriad problems we are thereby creating
But then again he might notice how naturally self destructive this behaviour is
When the only criteria is money then everything is for sale
Putting humanity on a downward spiral which leaves morality and ethics aside
This in turn leads to ever more corruption and cynicism
Welcome to our world today
And tomorrow?
A breakdown in many areas as different interest groups compete for pickings
A self destructive spiral gathering momentum along with the accelerating pace of change
Our times are so interesting because so many different apparently unrelated areas are reaching their tipping points
We are moving into uncharted waters
Tipping points are where suddenly there are no more large fish, and the whole food chain is destroyed, disrupted, changed
These events always have unpredictable consequences
Who thought about the rapid increase in the number of jellyfish when they fished all the big tuna and turtles out of the oceans?
Who thought that swimming in some areas of the sea might become dangerous, even life threatening?
Reaching tipping points means that we have broken the natural chain or balance of something resulting in unexpected situations
Tipping points are also where our greedy behaviour leads to unexpected changes
Unpredictable situations
Some might see evidence of this around them in fact if you look closely you will see it everywhere
And so?
Your own personal journey in this life is also about how you behave
It too has it's tipping points
Points of integrity and honesty
Choices you make
No problem to be greedy a cheat and liar, just be warned you pay
You pay to every last dime, kopeck, centime, and this over many lives if necessary
No one avoids paying their karma
Personally the idea of doing this life over again to learn the lessons we should have learnt this time around is not very appealing

But go right ahead and ,make your own choices

Anyone can join the party of greed

It seems so easy to start with

However as life goes on less and less has flavour or meaning

How can it when self is the only interest?

When physical things are the only value

The other choice of ethical and moral behaviour might not look so sexy

Look around though who has peace of mind?

The paranoid rich or the altruistic?

For the record a bit of this and a bit of that still creates karma

Karma that multiplies through our lukewarm and non commitment to anything

On the altruistic side it is a harder road for sure that of helping others and being generous of pocket and spirit

Feels pretty good though with few sleepless nights

Few worries as one learns to let go of fears

In fact riches of a different kind

No one can take love from you and love is what evolves with true altruism

Not so true of money or power

Just growing fear and paranoia if not this then stubborn denial of a life ill spent

Amazing really though because the answer to life is right in front of us

Serve others, give your love, grow your compassion, those ancients were not fools

Why do we not listen?

Because it takes courage?

Discipline and will power?

Yes all of those and why not?

In a funny way it takes some of those to rip people off as well!

Just that one leads to a sad life and the other to fulfillment

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