Saturday, October 25, 2008

Loving life

Doesn't have to be skiing

Doesn't have to be anything in particular

Although for sure it would be great to go skiing sometimes
Maybe this year, maybe not
Loving life is about our perceptions
Our state of mind
What we do with our minds
Best bit is that we can change these things
Most people are prisoners to their minds and perceptions
Stay there if you want
Finding beauty, laughter and love is neater
Soft rather than hard is pleasant
A soft word
A soft expression
Love feeds on life
Life needs love
Without love life is pretty blah
Or taught, fraught, difficult
Difficult because we know we want love
Often we don't remember that love starts inside us
If we are filled with tension
Then the odds are not so good that we will find love
So preoccupied with our worries that we would not notice even if we tripped over it
So desperate searching for it that we do not notice that it is all around us
Life can be loved
Confusion when we think of love only in sexual terms
Love life and the other love is likely to appear too
Because if you love life you set up the resonance that allows love in the form of a partner to appear
Life and love are a little more subtle than we give them credit for
So keeping it easy start by changing your mind
That will change your life
Loving life consciously is a good way to start too
Do it day in day out until it becomes a habit
Neat habit loving life whatever else comes our way is fine
Loving life is up to you no one can do it for you!

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