Can you believe it!
The Bush Presidency is probably the most successful in history
It's true not the most unsuccessful in history as many people might think but quite possibly the most successful, by their own private agenda that is of course
Never have so many controls been forced and imposed upon the American people or those of so many other countries by any one American administration
Since 9/11 the Bush administration has imposed more far reaching controls on its citizens than under any other previous administration
Controls that take away basic freedoms
Controls that are unlikely to be removed
Controls that lead towards further invasive controls
Controls that have already changed all of our lives
All in the name of fighting terrorism
Funny thing 9/11
When you look at how the twin towers fell, some speed, pretty tidy too
Not many concrete pieces just lots and lots of dust
Molten steel in the basement
No major bone fragments either
That other WTC building number 7, no hit, not much debris, and down it went, smooth fast fall too
Or the alleged plane that hit the Pentagon but left little debris and manged to fit through a small hole in the wall, sadly so few photos from the myriad surveillance cameras around one of the world's most highly protected buildings
That and a lot more curious aspects of 9/11
This is the true legacy of the Bush administration
Oh and a couple of wars and financial meltdown
Thank you President Bush
Have you any idea what you have done?
Did you and your team truly believe that?
Sad people
And yet
There is always a "and yet"
The current financial and economic situation is beyond the control of any one group
So maybe just maybe all those ideas of control and domination will not turn out as planned
We will see
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