Saturday, May 23, 2009

Just want to share

Being in the mood let me share this

It's how you are with wherever you are

Wherever you are it is how you are with it not where it is
Be it a prison cell or soft bed, cold at a bus stop or tired at work

Wherever you are it is how you are with it that is important not where it is

And then how we are with ourselves is important for how we are with others

When we are in harmony with ourselves great but the real challenge is when we are not - for whatever reason doesn't matter

It is how we can submerge our own personal feelings and be there for whoever is with us

To do this focus on them completely, let go your own problems or thoughts to one side

No half listening, not really paying attention, focus totally on them and what they are saying

If you can do this then your comments on them or their lives will be more accurate and pertinent

Giving total attention to others for a period of time takes away our own stress
Let's it dissipate
If you can do this then over time you are learning to heal yourself because you are no longer focusing solely on yourself

You are learning to give your interest and attention to others

Letting go of the where and what of your own circumstances
Growing your consciousness through engaging with others

Finding compassion

Learning how small our own problems often are when we help others

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