Saturday, March 07, 2009

Some poor men

Most men share the caveman’s instinct to bring back food for the family, to provide and take care of them

In today's troubled times many face redundancy or shortened working hours

Others face lay off or redundancy

Their feeling of self worth being stripped away

Masculinity under attack as never before

The depression they experience lies in how they understand what is happening to them.

High achievers don’t blame the recession.

They tend to blame themselves

They blame their own choices, what they chose in life

Indulging in "if onlys"

If only they had changed firms or jobs

If only they hadn't invested as they did in the wrong stocks

If only they had invested in a different sector

If only they had sold their house a year ago

If only they had sold their apartment a year ago

Because of their above average intelligence and high professional abilities they believe that they are in control of their lives

Because they believe this to be true they are quick to condemn themselves

For their view of life is extremely narrow

And then some unable to handle these apparent reverses kill themselves

Sorry men who confused life with their work

We are not our work

We are not our car

We are not our title

We are not our job

We are not our money

In these times many more men are going to find themselves in situations where their illusions are going to be stripped away

If you are one such then step back and look at yourself

If you know one such then help him to step back from illusion

Life is about more than being someone in the City, Wall street or other such work place

It might give you a buzz being someone

You might be flying along in the illusion that life is all about being rich and powerful

Sadly that all disappears when the job goes

However this can be a blessing in disguise if you use this experience to learn

To unwind and see that you are not your job

Life has myriad possibilities and these can only be approached when we stop taking ourselves so seriously

Stop believing in the illusion

The illusion that you can control life

The illusion that you are superior
Deep breath and let go please

When we learn to relax then we can see that there are other ways to experience life

Many that are much more real and fulfilling than the illusion of being someone, having something

The media fosters these beliefs but then this is what they do

Step beyond and see what else life can be

Life is so much more rewarding when you move beyond the material games

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