Monday, December 07, 2009

Thoughts about those with money

If you have lots of money you do not need anybody
Money will allow you to ignore others
To lead your life plus minus as you want to
You do not need to create relationships you just buy company
You do not need to compromise you just let go those who irritate and hire or find others
You never trust because you have worries about whether they like you or are after your money
With most things people share
People do not share money
Money is not part of any natural cycle
Money as we have it today is going increasingly to a few
Most people have little or no money
The distribution of money is increasingly towards those who already have money
The world population is around 6.8 billion people and growing
This uneven distribution cannot continue something must give
So are those with lots of money about to change?
Or are those without money able to change?
Something must give

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