Thursday, December 31, 2009

End of what?

The year 2009 is now drawing to a close

All the years ending in 9 tend to be full of change

Often rough years

Difficult years

1989 - 1979 - 1999 - 1889 - and so on

Rather than dwell on the difficulties take the end of the year as a time for review

Review what you accomplished in 2009

Take the good from it

Take satisfaction for what you did

Notice also what you did not do

Why you did not do it

Then let the negatives aside

Decide to let them drop or to redouble your efforts in 2010

2010 can still be challenging and we suspect that times are going to continue challenging for some years to come

For the rest of our lives maybe

If so then prepare

Learn to take pleasure from small things

Learn to enjoy every part of each day

Build some anticipation into your life

Have something coming towards you, somethng you are looking forward to

A mini break

A weekend doing something new interesting

2010 will also go quickly time is different now

The past is gone

The past no longer lingers

2009 is done

Hallo 2010

Enjoy tonight it is the first Blue Moon new year for some time

Blue Moons do not come along very often so enjoy it

Don't know what a Blue Moon is then check it out on Wikipedia or ask someone

Surprising how few people really know what a Blue Moon is

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