Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Not so covert state

Most of us fail to understand or think about what is being done by our governments in the name of security
So in order that you do think a little the following is a list of areas where many governments do monitor our lives
This list is not measuring government censorship of Internet traffic or police abuses, as legitimate as these issues may be.
Nor is government corruption included which in many countries is rampant
Note also that no categories apply to evidence-gathering by traditional, honest police
work which would be searches only with warrants issued by an independent judge, after sufficient examination of evidence
A procedure often dispensed with today as other means are open to the various government agencies
The list
Daily Documents - Requirement of state-issued identity documents and registration.
Border Issues - Inspections at borders, searching computers, demanding decryption of data.
Financial Tracking - State’s ability to search and record all financial transactions: Checks, credit card use, wires, banks etc.
Gag Orders - Criminal penalties if you tell someone the state is searching their records.
Anti-Crypto Laws - Outlawing or restricting cryptography.
Constitutional Protection - A lack of constitutional protections for the individual, or the overriding of such protections.
Data Storage Ability - The ability of the state to store the data they gather.
Data Search Ability - The ability to search the data they gather.
SP Data Retention - States forcing Internet Service Providers to save detailed records of all their customers’ Internet usage.
Telephone Data Retention - States forcing telephone companies to record and save records of all their customers’ telephone usage.
Cell Phone Records - States forcing cellular telephone companies to record and save records of all their customers’ usage, including location.
Medical records - States demanding records from all medical service providers and retaining the same.
Enforcement Ability - The state’s ability to use overwhelming force (exemplified by SWAT Teams) to seize anyone they want, whenever they want.
Habeus Corpus - Lack of habeus corpus, which is the right not to be held in jail without prompt due process. Or, the overriding of such protections.
Police-Intel Barrier - The lack of a barrier between police organizations and intelligence organizations. Or, the overriding of such barriers.
Covert Hacking - State operatives copying digital evidence from private computers covertly. Covert hacking can make anyone appear as any kind of criminal desired, if combined with the removing and/or adding of digital evidence.
Loose Warrants - Warrants issued without careful examination of police statements and other justifications by a truly independent judge
cc 2010 Cryptohippie
Now you have the true picture of what is being done in your country today and if not today then certainly tomorrow
Consider this
While everything runs smoothly in your life you do not care about this except as a hypothetical issue
Then when some silly little thing in your life goes wrong
Like your phone does not work
You suddenly experience the frustration of trying to deal with endless call centres
Endless options leading nowhere
Then finally after considerable frustration and time you get to a human being
Said human being often trained only to answer standard questions
Questions or answers that may or may not solve your problem
For sure at some point you resolve your problem
You go back to your normal life with a shudder at the time and effort used to rectify one small problem
Now imagine the state decides you have done something wrong
True or false now you enter a nightmare zone
Ever tried defending yourself from a remorseless state?
No then believe us it is hard if not impossible
Now imagine you have had enough and want to demonstrate
You write letters and emails all of which are held on file
Then you decide to march or demonstrate
Bad move you will be photographed your image and details on file for life
Should you be arrested for your pains then DNA will be taken and again you will be on file for life
And no you will not have access to what is hidden on these files
Not today but tomorrow many of us might have had enough of surveillance
Not sure we will be able to surmount these hurdles though

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