Monday, January 31, 2011

One new word

That's not a new word you might say
True it has been in human language from the beginning
However we seem to have lost it recently
Lost the idea that it is important that is
Honesty is essential to the conduct of human affairs
Which is why we have laws
Which is why we teach our children to be honest
Not to tell lies
And yet most if not all governments lie
Lie openly
Lie in public through the media
There is a simple issue here
Over thousands of years all the world's major teachers have explained why honesty is essential to our well-being
They knew why
They told us why
And so we ignore their advice at our peril even though honesty is preached by those who lie so easily
When your government lies so often
When advertisers lie with impunity
When manufacturers lie about their products
Honesty might seem like a lost cause
Do not believe this
Humanity goes through cycles just as nature does
Currently we are in a 'down' part of our cycle
Lies are common in all walks of life 
However a counter movement is beginning to make itself felt
Most would not immediately believe that over the last fifty years the trend has been towards more honesty
Consider though that the International Criminal Court however imperfect is becoming more established
Transparency International is making progress in throwing light on corruption in all corners of the planet

Corporations are being pursued for bribery issues and yes they continue to bribe however progress is being made

In many other areas lies and corruption are finding it harder
It is clear to all how corruption destroys a society

Lies corrode societies

They erode the fabric

They destroy

And ultimately no one wins

Those who steal billions are they stupid or what?

They steal for what?

Cars, houses, gold taps, villas, yachts and the rest and how many of these can they or their families use?

No one would want the negative karma they are creating

Nor would anyone want the paranoia attached to theft

For yourself can you make your contribution to a more honest society?

Can you help fight this sickness

That one word honesty is the clue

The clue to our own behaviour

Time to bring that one little word back again into reality


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