Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Science and scientists

People confuse science and scientists
Science is great but individual scientists are often dangerous
They are human
They are marred by the biases humans have
Perhaps even more than most of us
For most scientists are hard headed
Otherwise they would not have the patience and energy to perform the tasks given to them
Unfortunately there is another side to some of them
Those who do research on ways to kill other humans more efficiently
Or research into biological weapons
Or simply for companies who want to make money out of unnecessary innovations
Or publishing papers making tenuous claims
A scientist may be forced to act like a cheap defense lawyer rather than a pure seeker of the truth
So it is safe to say that science is more ethical than many scientists
Science is better than scientists
Some might say that scientists are giving science a bad name
It is said that science evolves from funeral to funeral
Pay attention to what scientists say by all means, but do so in a more discerning way
Note how the media love to talk about "scientific experts'', seldom providing proof or relevance of their expertise
'Scientists say'' is another media favourite
Note we do not often see ''bankers say'' or ''salesmen say''
Consider why is it that scientists have this privilege?
Do they really deserve such?
Certainly science deserves our respect
Scientists less so, much less so

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