Saturday, August 06, 2011

Another way of saying it

Because we feel cut off from all of life, our relationship to the world is characterized by desire.
We often feel that something is missing
If only we could get what is missing from the outside, then we could relax.
This is the very mind-set that propels the global economy.
This is how it is possible to sell more and more stuff to more and more people. ...
While this sense of lack may sometimes be caused by real hardship
Most human beings live in ‘psychological lack’
A feeling that they need more money
More things
More power over more people
More sexual partners in a greater variety of positions.
They just need more.
Then they can relax
In every culture and in every age, a few isolated individuals have broken free of this hallucination 
They have realized that the sense of a ‘separate me’ is actually a fantasy. ...
The sense of a separate entity that craves and needs things from its environment starts to melt like a snowflake in the sunshine.
In its place is recognized consciousness, presence, a causeless love that lacks nothing at all.
Rather than being on this planet ‘to get more for me,’ life becomes a flow of generosity of spirit.
The reason to be alive is to bless
To love without restraint
To give irrationally. 
(Braden et al., 229-31)
Arjuna Ardagh

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

nice one :) thank you!