Thursday, September 01, 2011

Porn strictures

The fact is it's not possible now to have a clear sense of what's right and wrong here because porn is absolutely everywhere

Not just online.

The mentality that endorses porn is universal
Not just on the internet.
Our society worships glamour
Quick fixes
And short-termism
And villifies soulfulness
The aged

And commitment.
Most are users of porn judging by recent surveys.
Your children are creatures of their environment
And as a parent you are the creature of a different, bygone environment that no longer exists.
So the question arises do I tell them not to engage with porn?
It might be totally ineffectual, but yes it is always better to uphold your own values and point of view
Better than to say nothing
Better to state why though
And the why is because porn reduces relationships to sex alone in often abusive ways.
Ways that have no bearing on those in the real world.
Nor does porn offer satisfaction except on a most fleeting basis.

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