Thursday, July 26, 2012

Words going where then?

Quite often the purpose of our words is not actually to communicate, but to control.
To change perceptions
To get what we want.
To stop others finding out something.
To stop them controlling us.
To control our space.
To protect our identity.
To create a perception of ourselves as being right to others.
To create a perception of ourselves to ourselves of being right.

Each time we do this it is a lie.
Call it little, call it unimportant it is still a lie.
Sometimes we do this unconsciously, and it is still a lie

The purpose of a lie is at base to manipulate and control 

Most words today are in some shape and form a lie.

The point being?
That this means we increasingly turn off to words.
We simply do not believe.
We tune out.
We discount.
We ignore.
Until things change that is, and the change is a new way of sharing with each other.
Until then we have to pick our way through the lies.
Small wonder we only trust our close friends.
Small wonder we tune out whenever we can.
Words are losing their power to communicate.
Time to develop other senses such as intuition and telepathy.
Intuition because it by passes brain.
Telepathy because it allows us to see your motive and thinking.
The truth of what is in you. 

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