Are often about events such as divorce, new job, marriage, children and the like
Sometimes about disasters and we have had plenty of these globally recently
In fact we continue to do so
The one that intrigues me at the moment though is the internet and what it means to our lives.
People sitting on benches head down in their phones, tablets or electronic devices.
Oblivious of the nature or world around them.
People in buses cars, planes, trains heads down again
Wherever humans are people are using their devices.
Such a change was unforeseeable only a short time ago.
No one saw the degree to which these devices have changed human behaviour.
Across the planet human behaviour is and has changed.
From young to old
Maybe less so with the old but certainly the young have embraced the internet and these new devices with great enthusiasm.
A couple of thoughts occur.
These devices are literally changing our young
They are device literate before they are five years old.
Their brains are being used differently.
Creativity is changing because they are occupied with their internet world.
They are not learning creativity in the way previous generations have.
They have not learnt to go from boredom to creativity
They are immersed in facebook, twitter and the like which in themselves are changing behaviour.
Many are cut off from the world around them by their music and other audio devices.
Not hearing or relating to that world
Yes one can argue that there are many pluses
What cannot be denied is that this new use of the internet is changing us and our understanding of lilfe
Changing our young
They do not get their information from parents in the same way
Parents are not the same authority figures
Good or bad?
Probably both
A fact our young know more than we did at the same age
Their exposure to information is vastly greater than ours was
The type of information is also different
Global information is the norm today
Bad news every day from somewhere
Fact is we are all seeing the same information wherever we are
Granted some is filtered and manipulated
Problem is we do not know which is manipulated
The great fashion horror show gives us a clue though
Few if any magazine pictures of young women are not photo shopped.
Young women are given such a false idea of the ideal
Young emaciated women presented as the ideal
Millions of young women being manipulated to believe that this is beauty
Society apparently powerless to change this situation
Then again there are other aspects of this change that so far is going without comment
Most of us are living under a high frequency net above our heads
A net that makes most feel tired
A tiredness that people put down to any number of reasons but never this one
When will we notice?
Maybe never as it is not in the interests of many people that we become aware of this.
There are of course many other aspects of this change in our lives that are as yet not observable
We can only watch as the genie is now well and truly out of the bottle