Find a better way of understanding myself?
Why don't I feel better?
Why do I feel depressed and down and not so happy?
Why is life so hard, what can I do to feel better?
Well we could give lots of answers, but we will leave out the ones given by the self help industry
An industry of hype dedicated to material return for the most part
Unfortunately for their consumers many of their solutions only "work" for a very short time
Even more are simply based on ideas that are simply not true, which is why they do not work after the ra ra has worn off.
The difficulty is in knowing who to trust and how do you know what is rubbish and what has merit?
Notice how seldom parents, school, church and governments offer satisfying ideas or answers to these questions about life
Questions central to all our lives
Why do I feel bad?
Why don't I like myself more?
What can I do to make my life better?
For sure parents, school, church and governments don't know the answers otherwise we would all follow what they suggest and live in a world of contented happiness
And no we don't live in a world of contented anything and come to think of it they don't have much to suggest at all
The only ones pretending to answer are companies or organisations offering products and services which theoretically will change your life in amazing ways
Usually the only amazing thing is how often so many people are duped
All they want is your money
Today so much talk is about money one way or another
Maybe that's why we all feel so unfulfilled and iffy because money does not do it
What makes a real difference to our lives though is understanding one or two simple things
Such as the true statement that we have many many lives, which once understood and believed gives us a psychological lift
Each life purpose is to learn one or two major lessons
These lessons stem from our successes and failures in previous lives
The purpose of these lives is to evolve our consciousness
To help us grow from being selfish and greedy to being unselfish and more altruistic
As an aside notice how greed and selfishness are almost worshipped today with the media uncritically full of stories about the greedy and selfish, with seldom a mention about how they obtained their wealth and power or any observation about how unpleasant so many of them are
To continue another important point is that what we do has consequences, meaning that we are responsible for ourselves and what happens to us, life has few if any so called accidents
Yes only you can determine what happens to your experience of life
For sure your karma is in play and brings lessons to you throughout your life
For sure you might blame things on bad luck
You might also blame things on others
Your family, boss, friends and so on,
In truth though it is you that creates the life you experience
No one but you
Cause and effect in other words
Asians would call it karma
Put the two points above together and you have reincarnation and karma
These two allow us to understand why the world is as it is and why our lives are as they are
In fact only reincarnation and karma can explain the genocide, greed and unhappiness on our planet
If this resonates with you then you can study this in more detail and understand more clearly why your life is not one of blissful happiness
You can move further and see that blissful happiness is not so likely under most scenarios, however peace of mind can be
Your life fulfillment is more important than happiness
Happiness being an emotion comes and goes as it will
We can get more of it once we feel that we know why we are here and what we are meant to be doing
And that is being the best we can everyday, day in day out, with whatever life throws our way
Growing and learning and along the way sharing and enjoying with those around us
That's how you can get more out of life and feel better about it
Knowing why you are really here and what you are meant to be doing makes life easier
Takes the strain out of many things knowing that nature just wants us to do our best
That's all
And that's how you can make a real difference to how you feel about yourself and your life
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