Anything just say something new please
Something positive
Something I have not heard a thousand times before
Not the same old nothings
Going on and on about nothing
So often we accept monotony in our lives
Monotony rules because we have slipped into it
Because those choices seemed best for us at the time
It seemed to be the easiest course of action for us
We just sort of slipped into it
So we wind up saying nothing, our lives filled with monotony
Day after day doing nothing new
Nothing new coming into our lives
Lives.of habit
At some point one of us will find it impossible to accept the monotony of thought and expression
Maybe we finally stir when it is already late in our lives
Lives wasted through fear of change
Or laziness
Or the illusion of security
Stay in monotony if you want but be warned nature will stir you up at some point
Your decision
Make it a wise one
What appears to be the path of least resistance today is often the most difficult over time
Particularly in relationships
Say something new, learn something new, keep growing it is one of the secrets of a full life to keep growing throughout our lives
Decide whether or not the monotony in your life is worth it
Is this all you want from life?
If not then act not in deceit
Not by having affairs
Not by cheating
Not by avoiding the issue
But by stepping up and sorting it out
You only have this life once
Make it a good one because if you do not then guess what you will have to live it over again until you do learn your lessons
That's what karma and reincarnation mean in practice
Living the same life over and over until we learnOnly then can we move on
And moving on is surely what we want in this life too?
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