Just another hurricane say others, no more severe than any time in the last few years
Just your average rainfall, earthquake, mudslide, disaster
Then we hear that the winter was colder than usual with plenty of extreme weather events globally
And that many other parameters are also out of their usual alignment
Something is going on with the sun, no sunspot activity
Funny thing few pundits seem anxious to pull all these events together and look at the global pictureTo be fair this could be that there are very few people who are able to do this
Most today being specialists in narrow fields
It does not take a Rocket scientist to observe that times for sure are a changing
Wake up please!Is nature giving us a nudge or what?
You might argue that these seemingly continuous events are because news travels faster and we have more communications
Also we are all more aware, more connected
Yes all true
However what is going on is not quite business as usual
Too many violent events are occurring too frequently
And so?
Observe how our leaders are unwilling or unable to draw our attention to these changes
Or offer any solutions
Apart from cutting the global emissions of carbon, which while marginally helpful is not a major issue
The slowing of the earth's magnetic field is a possibly much more critical event and is happening
A reversal of the magnetic poles, which is the likely scenario has happened several times before in the Earth's history with consequences that we have no idea about
In addition the magnetic field emanating from the sun’s poles is much weaker than previously observed.
This could mean the upcoming solar maximum period will be less intense than in recent history
The current total lack of sunspots has no explanation
These events concerning the sun are probably of more significance than all the others put together
They could also be the cause of many of the unpredictable events occurring all over the planet
We just do not know
And so focusing on carbon emissions is popular politics at their worst
Knowing that the expensive actions being called for take money away from other projects where the payback is clearer and more certain is dangerous and unacceptable in these difficult times
Many certainties look highly suspect, dangerous even
The whole Global warming scare
The financial system...................just put it back as it was
Politics as usual, same lack of thought about many issues often blatantly driven by special narrow interest groups
When certainties come unglued watch out
Journalists start writing weird pieces because they sense change but cannot see what it is
Politicians try to put blame onto anything or anyone other than their own decisions or lack of
Swings of the public mood are more frequent
These are all signs of certainties becoming unglued
But more important than all is that climate governs all we experience
Be it the weather, disease, business or anything else climate rules
Cycles of this and that are what nature is about
Throughout history
We just got lucky with a short period of stable weather
Now nature is showing us what normal is
Because long periods of stability allow poor leaders to rise to the top
People who compromise their morals and ethics
To get to the top at all costs
Often with no idea other than to grab power
No clue what to do with it
No vision
No thought of making contributions
These are the ones who rule many countries today
In time of difficulty they have nothing to offer having only the skills of deceit and corruption
Now we have to go through plenty of difficult times before we can get rid of them
Historically difficult times need real leaders
Historically we have to suffer before we recognise how bad things are
Only then do we throw the rubbish out
Has it ever been thus
Be prepared for difficult times
What do these times mean to you?
Many of our leaders are coming unglued
And who will pay?
No guesses, those who cannot defend themselves against arbitrary laws and taxes
Most ordinary people in fact
So shape your life to accommodate this and the rest will not bother you so much
Difficult times require more understanding than when they are easy
Take responsibility now for your own life
Rely on your own judgement
Life will not be the same when the climate is not the same
Do not come unglued in the coming difficult times
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