Friday, February 19, 2010

Nearly seven billion of us

A few hundred million in Europe, a few hundred million more in the United States

But this is just in one priviliged part of the world

Most of the other four to five billion are living in situations that we would not like at all
Like someone thrown without fair trial into a Russian prison or those obliged to live in a Darfur refugee camp or a Palestinian subsisting in a Gaza hovel
Come to think of it if we go country by country and just casually look at people's lives
Our lives are pretty good
There are one hell of a lot of people worse off than you and me
So why do we keep comparing ourselves with those who appear better off than ourselves?
Why do we not give thanks every day that we are not rotting in some prison or refugee camp?
Or suffering life under the abuse of some criminally despotic regime?
Funny thing in a perverse way many people like to feel hard done by
Need to feel that life is unfair
And where did they ever get the idea that life is fair?
In one way it is fair for we all get exactly what we deserve under karma
This might not be comfortable to some however this is how it truly is
Our birth into a particular country
Into a particular family
Our sex
Our health
Our experiences today all are a function of the karma we created earlier
How we relate to these conditions is what counts
The choices we make then determine what comes next
So those who moan about fairness time to stop
Time to understand that seeing yourself as victim of unfairness is useless
We create what we experience
So spend your energy finding the best in things
Finding things to smile about
This will help overcome adversity
As will thinking of others
Doing things for others
How about giving away something every day?
Don't panic I am not talking about money although yes you can do that if you are able
I am talking about a smile
A word
A moment of your time
A thought or action for others
All these little things add up
Not only that they help create a shift in your perceptions of life in a positive way
Every little helps
Helping yourself by helping others is how it works

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

Funny you should write on that. Have been thinking for weeks now on that, how many of us are in situations which are not bearable. I think that every day, when I feel good about things I have got, way a lot, really. Then the thought comes that so many of us are in real trouble!!!! To be thankful is one of the best feelings to me right now. And lots of things and situations become beautiful!