Monday, December 24, 2012

Seed atom

Is not the most familiar term to most people.
And yet and yet it is the beginning of you in each of your many lives .
The ending of you in each life too. 
The last thing to leave a dying human is his seed atom.
The first to come in to the evolving baby in the mothers womb.
For most this is an unknown concept or idea.
The seed atom lives in the top left ventricle of the heart. 
And no, this is not generally understood.
It is important to us because it is love.
Love in it's purest form.
It is that part of you that knows life should be better than we experience it to be.
It is that part of us that tells us that love is real, that it exists.
That love is possible.
Which leads us to give you a thought.
The seed atom can play a large, small or non existent part in our lives.
The choice as ever is ours.
By opening to love we can change our lives.
Nothing is higher than love.
Nothing is more powerful than love.
True love is unconditional.
To enjoy a relationship with your higher self this can only happen once you relate to your seed atom.
It is the gateway to all possible higher worlds and levels of consciousness.
Levels where truth can be found.
Levels where there is no fear.
Levels where one can be at peace.
To reach a relationship with your higher self takes work.
Your seed atom allows you to create that bridge.
To approach this relationship requires us to let go of our fears.
To heal ourselves.
And this is why an understanding of how things really work is important.
Without such an understanding our lives are blind to so many things.
Just fumbling around in our ever so shallow material world.
Vaguely dissatisfied with our lives.
Sensing that there should be something more.
Not knowing what or how to find it.
Your seed atom can show the way if only you knew how.
First though better find the truth of things
Because only by knowing the truth of things can we find inner peace.
And as we have said many times before the best place to find the truth of things is in the perennial wisdom.
And that is to be found in books, sayings and beliefs that are all around us.
And yes many of these books are a bit obscure today, however they are well worth the effort.
Should you choose to follow their teachings then you can truly progress your own evolution.
And the progress of your own evolution is why we are here.
To make progress in the evolution of our consciousness
Consciousness evolution is all.
We ourselves must walk the path
Others merely show the way

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